Thursday, March 1, 2012

It is Almost Spring

It has been a little strange weather-wise around good ole' Missouri.  We have had an unseasonably warm winter with very little snow.  Never a good sign.  Tuesday evening, three tornadoes hit in the area (within 35 miles from my home in three directions).  Scary stuff.  Lucky the lose of life was minimal considering it could have been horrible.  Branson was hit the hardest.

Now, today it is going to be in the 70s and dropping back down to the 30s tonight.  NICE! (that was sarcasm)  I wish that it would decide one way or the other to be either winter or spring.  More storms are heading our direction on Friday.  Sometimes I really hate living in tornado alley.

I am hoping to get a couple of my projects completed today and posted soon.  In the meantime, keep creative everyone.

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