Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sharing Inspiration

Over the past few years, I have developed a love for crafting my own jewelry.  It seems that every time that I walk into a store, I am drawn to the jewelry section, not to buy, but to get inspiration for my own creations.  

With my disability, I don't get to craft the type of jewelry I would love to learn, like wire wrap jewelry. I love the look and the designs, but my hand just will not operate that well.  I am having another surgery on my hand soon and am hoping that when this one is done that I will be able to teach myself this technique.

I rarely use an entire tutorial or design belonging to someone else.  It seems that when I begin, my creativity takes over.  I use other's jewelry as inspiration and tutorials in order to help me achieve the design in my mind.  

As promised, I am sharing with you some of my original designs.  I hope that you can gather some inspiration from my pieces.  Since I'm not good at step-by-steps when it comes to my jewelry making, I will not even try to explain how I achieved the look.  None of the pieces are complicated...I am not a professional jewelry maker :).  Enjoy!

Go out in the world and create something!  Hope that you now inspired.

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