Monday, March 5, 2012

Organization and Jewelry

Where have I been?  Well, if you only knew.  Since before Christmas, I have been on this major organization kick in our house.  I am tired of being crammed into this small space.  Since buying a new house at this point in time is not an option, I must improvise.  

My kitchen has been screaming for some much needed attention.  I wanted to start on those cabinets by getting some new pans.  My old ones were in horrible shape...I haven't bought any new ones in years.  So, the first order of business was pans.  I wanted to switch to stainless steel and take a swing at those.  I loved the new Paula Deen line, so I started there.  Who can beat the price? ($100 at Wal-Mart)

So here is the before and far.  I am not finished yet, but it is a GOOD start.

I just keep telling myself that there is light at the end of the tunnel.  My goal is to have my home organized from top to bottom by the end of the summer.  I hope to achieve more space!

I also wanted to take this opportunity to share with you my newest jewelry project. (I will get some of my old stuff posted soon)  I love to make jewelry and am always looking for new inspiration.  Thank you, Pinterest.  

While I have been searching through the pins on Pinterest, I kept seeing chain maille jewelry.  I loved it and had to learn it.  So, I printed off a basic "stitch".  This was my first piece.  I AM HOOKED!!  I have ordered a load of jump rings.  Let's see what I come with.

As always...remember to stay creative.  Your comments and links are welcome.  I need some more dressing on my blog.

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