Thursday, February 16, 2012

Storage Solution for Small Spaces

Today I am going to show yet another Pinterest project.  First, you must understand that in my house, I never seem to have enough space.  I am always organizing and/or looking for storage solutions in order to give me more living space.  (The obstacles of older homes)

I started out with a huge china cabinet that I had crammed in a corner of my little dining room.  (didn't get the pic with it in there)  I was constantly having to work around this huge piece of furniture...with the dining table, wall space, cleaning, etc.  I got fed up.  I moved that monster out and put a fresh coat of paint on to begin.

I then had my husband build me four blind shelves and install them for me.  This was a little more work than expected, but I wanted them sanded smooth, coated well with paint and topped with a heavy coat of clear.  As you can see, we had a little supervisor.

A few baskets, a lot of organizing, some minor organizing and I HAVE SPACE in my dining room.

On to the next project.

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