Thursday, February 23, 2012

Seamstress I Am NOT!

After remodeling my dining room, there was only one thing left to do...find curtains for the back door (a huge glass sliding door).  I searched everywhere on the net and locally.  I just couldn't find that one curtain that jumped at me.  I found a style that I liked, but could not find it in the deep, dark red I wanted.  

Just as I was going to give up, I was walking through the craft store.  I walked around through the fabric department and there it was, the fabric and color I loved!  I just had to get it.  Now what?

I hadn't even attempted to sew anything in years.  I didn't have a pattern and wasn't about to start another search to find a pattern to match the curtains I liked.  So, I decided to jump in.  How hard could a triangle be to sew?  Oh if I only knew.

Here is what I started with...

I measured, cut and guessed alot.  But, I think that the final product turned out pretty good.  They are by far not perfect, but they are different and look good.  These curtains really brightened the space.  Overall, I am happy with them.

Go out and get inspired.  Try something different.  Do something that you haven't done before (or in a long time).  You might just be surprised with what you come up with.

I also wanted to give you a little something fun today.  So here you are, Pinterest Addicts!

I still have many projects in the making.  Keep checking back to find your inspiration.

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