Friday, February 24, 2012

Magazine Files Repurposed

After completing the shelf unit in my dining room, I still wasn't quite as happy as I thought that I should be.  Every time that I walked by, the small, mismatched cookbooks just jumped out at me.  They were screaming for a solution to make them a beautiful as their surroundings.  My newest project emerged.

I didn't have any old magazine holders in the house, or they would have been recycled for the cause.  So, on a recent trip to Staples, I purchased some.  I paid $1.99 for a package of two (total cost approximately $1.00 each).  I had some leftover scrapbook paper from other projects, so that worked out well.

I layed the paper out and lay the magazine files on top.  Use a pencil to trace the shape onto the paper and cut.  Use Modge Podge, or similar decoupage medium to glue everything down.  I decided to put a heavy coat of Modge Podge over the entire thing when I was done, just to make it stronger.  I wanted to ensure that nothing came loose or ripped.

You could substitute Modge Podge with some watered down school glue (like Elmer's glue).  It would work just as well, and yield the same type of results.

I was able to get the smaller books organized, and hide some of the other mismatched books.  Now everything looks uniform and beautiful.  They aren't screaming at me any longer!

These magazine files can be used anywhere in the home.  If you have a space that needs a little organization and style, these would work out great.

Now on to the next project.  I wonder what it will be?!

Before I close this post, I thought that I would share another funny with you today...

Because I am addicted.  Not a bad thing...I get so much inspiration from the photos and ideas pinned by others.  It is a great place to gather a bunch of creative minds.  The sharing is great!

Pin It

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