Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm Still Here!

WOW!  Can't believe that it has been a week since I last posted.  It has been a crazy time for sure...some good, some not so good.  So here I am to update any of those reading about my fibromyalgia plite.

First, I finally got the results back from my biopsy on my thyroid...GOOD NEWS!  The tumor is benign.  I don't have to deal with that whole situation again for another year, as long as there are no changes in the size, pain, etc.

Second, my left hand that I have been having pain in for the last four years and already had surgery on once two years ago, is getting ready to have another surgery.  At this point, my orthopedic surgeon is trying deligently to pinpoint the exact spot around my thumb that is causing all the trouble.  I will finally be brace free in three short days!  I am so excited about that.

Lastly, my husband and myself have made the difficult decision to sell his mother's home and contents.  She has Alzheimer's Disease and was sent to a nursing home a little over a year ago.  The house has sat vacant for the past year as we all tried to come to terms with what needs to be done.  I would never wish that upon anyone.  Needless to say, it going to be a long and difficult summer as we box up possessions and memories and auction them off in September.

With my fibromyalgia and the impending surgery on my hand, the task at hand is going to become even more difficult physically than someone is healthy.  Please say a little prayer.

So, for now, alot of my projects that I was planning on completing and sharing with you will just have to wait a bit.  I still intend to complete them and to keep my promise to blog about my daily experiences living with fibromyalgia.

Color your world and go out and create something beautiful!

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