Friday, March 10, 2017

News on Our Grand Re-Opening

The time has nearly arrived!

I was hoping to have everything up and running by the first of March.  As the days passed quicker than ever, I realized that I am but one person wearing several different hats.  I am a wife, mother to a college senior, Cat Mama to 5 fur-babies, chef, housekeeper, etc., etc., etc.  The list just goes on.

I remember while growing up hearing all the "old" people discuss how time passes so much faster the older that you get.  I did not understand at the time, but I am beginning to now!  It feels like I move slower than ever and the days just zoom right past me.  It is crazy!

I digress.

I assure you that the grand re-opening is coming very soon.  I have hundreds of thank you and birthday cards ready.  I even managed to get everything photographed.  Now I am working on cleaning up my online store so that the listing can begin.  I am so excited.

Birthday Card Selection for Women, Men and Children

Birthday Cards are so fun to design and assemble for me.  I love all the textures, colors, embellishments and layers.  Each new birthday card set I will available in the beginning will include a variety such as pictured. 

I hope to have all my cards available very soon.  I cannot wait to hear feedback from my customers.

You are welcome to comment with any suggestions or general comments.  I encourage you to help me in design of new cards. 

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