Monday, October 13, 2014

Non-Traditional Colored Christmas Cards

We all love Christmas.  Some of us not as much as we used to, but there are not that many people in the world that can truly say that they hate the holidays.  That would be like hating Disney World.  You always see smiles at the holidays (and at Disney)!
I have always loved all the colors of the holidays.  From all the fall colors, all the way through Christmas.  But, sometimes, by the time that December 25th gets here, I have to admit, I am sick of seeing red and green.
Thank goodness these modern times allow each of us to have our own style.  Over the past few years, more and more you will find what are considered non-traditional Christmas colors.  You can find them on anything from cards to Christmas trees and everything in between.  It is no longer simply red, green, silver and gold.  Our society has introduced gorgeous colors like teal, pink, bright green, even black and so many others.

I am personally happy to see these colors in holiday cards and decorations.  In fact, I haven't even used the usual red and green in my decor in years.  My new favorites are teal blue, pinks and mint greens.  To see these colors together on your tree seems to brighten the entire room.  It is the same with your Christmas cards!
When you are creating, never be afraid to step outside of your (and anyone elses') comfort zone.  Some of the best projects come from someone stepping outside of the box.  This type of thinking is how Pinterest come about in the first place.
If you would like to see what Kimberz Kreations is up to next, you can always follow me on 
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