Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I'm Back!

For those of you who are wondering where I have been.  Well, life got in the way.  In the past 18 months, so much in my life has changed, including my address.

My husband and I searched for months to find our dream house.  We finally found it!  Once moved in, of course, we decided that we needed to make it ours.  We have spent the last year upgrading and adding the things that we love.  Unfortunately, with my fibromyalgia and his full-time job, it has been a slow and tedious process.

At the beginning of the year, I decided that I didn't have enough on my plate.  So, I made the decision to open my cardmaking business back up.  I love making and creating things.  Cards have always been my go-to.  Over 10 years ago, I was unable to work and keep up with the demand.  I was saddened to have to shut down the business for what I thought was forever.  I was wrong.  I am back!

I want to start off by sharing some of the items that I have been creating.  I hope to continue to update on a more regular basis.  I am often overwhelmed with creating, I often forget the blogging.  If I do, you can always find me on Ebay in my store: .  Stop by and visit anytime.  I don't just sell my cards, but also like to share some products that I use in creating my cards so that you can create your own.

Enjoy the new blog!

Here are some of my masculine cards:

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