Monday, April 30, 2012

More Fibromyalgia Talk

I wanted to continue the previous discussion of living with fibromyalgia.  Many of us who suffer tend to get caught up in the feeling that no one understands or is going through what we are.  Guess what?  There are millions of us out there.  In fact, there are at least thousands with your exact issues.

There are so many doctors out there who have no understanding of fibromyalgia and all of its aspects on your health.  In my experience, most general practice doctors either do not have enough formal training on this disease or just don't want to have to deal with the "complaints" of its sufferers.  Therefore, they send you on to a specialist, usually a neurologist or rheumatologist.  These doctors do offer a bit more information, but I haven't found one that I feel takes my disease completely serious.  They continually prescribe medication and change it up every 3-6 months if it doesn't seem to work.  Eventually, they seem to give up on trying to soothe the aches and pains and offer no more assistance.

That sounds very harsh, I know.  I am not at all saying that good doctors aren't out there.  I have had both good and bad ones.  I don't want to beat up on them all.   However, I would love to see more doctors in large urban areas that are specialized in nothing but fibromyalgia and chronic pain syndrome.

Recently, I was sent for an MRI due to severe hand pain.  Don't ask!  I know, what does your head have to do with your hand?  I asked and received a long answer from the doctor.  I digress.  The MRI found a "nodule" on my thyroid and an ultrasound was ordered.  The ultrasound found a large mass on my thyroid.

At first I was wondering why this on top of everything else.  Then I found an interesting article that described that thyroid issues can plaque those with fibromyalgia.  How did I miss this in all my research?  Anyway, here is the link for you to read the article if you like:  Fibromyalgia and Your Thyroid

I do not wish to seem like I am rambling.  Well, I kind of am.  But, my point to this post for those with fibromyalgia is:  Always be aware of your body.  If you have new symptoms or pains, do not disregard them as a side effect of your disease.  We all hate practically living at the doctor's office, but your well being is worth having checked, even if it seems you are a hypocondriac.  I would much rather carry that label than to disregard a symptom of a more serious problem which could take my life.

I am currently scheduled and anxiously awaiting the thyroid biopsy to determine if this mass is cancerous.  I will keep you posted.

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