Sunday, March 11, 2012

Family Fun Day

Yesterday was an entire day filled with family fun.  First up was shooting at our farm.  The hubby got a new shotgun and couldn't wait for a pretty day to go out and shoot with it.  He, our daughter, and a friend had alot of fun shooting skeet, while I got a chance to finally shoot people with the new camera I received for Christmas.

Here are a few shots (get it...ha, ha):

I love these first couple of shots.  I can't believe that I was able to catch the shells flying from the gun.  I think for a beginner, these were great.

After the shooting was done.  We all headed back home to get ready for a load of laughs at the Jeff Dunham concert.  I have always thought that his shows and DVD's were funny.  But, seeing him live is even better.  The Achmed doll was not cooperating at all, but Jeff just went with it and ad-libbed.  It was hilarious.

After I recuperate from all the laughing, I shall get back to being creative.  I still have a list of projects that I want to do, and will.  Please stay tuned for them.  In the meanwhile, my provoking thought for the day is:

Go out and create your world, but don't forget to laugh a little along the way.

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