Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Holidays Will Be Here Before You Know It!

With the fall leaves beginning to fall and the long, hot summer finally coming to a close.  It is time to for us all to begin preparing for the holiday season.  Friends, family, neighbors and co-workers.   This is the time of year we all begin to think of get-togethers and greetings.

It's hard to imagine, as it is every year, that it is almost time for Thanksgiving and then holiday decorations will start to appear.  They have already begun to appear in the stores.

In my business, I start preparing for the holidays long before everyone else.  In the heat of summer.  It's not an easy task, but I thoroughly enjoy it.

Here are some more of the kreations I have been working on.

Don't forget!  If you would like to purchase one of these beauties.  I usually do alot of one of a kind cards.  I don't usually do not create several of one particular card.

Come by and visit my store on Ebay : Kimberz Kreations .  I have cards for many occasions.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Christmas Card Collections

Now that it is officially Autumn/Fall, we should all be getting ourselves prepared for the holiday season.  Before you know it, Halloween and Thanksgiving will be over and Christmas will be upon us.  Actually, there is less than 100 days until Christmas....now, that is perspective.

I am still locked in my craft room piecing, stamping and gluing cards together.  Whether you are planning on making your own Christmas cards, or purchasing them, now is the time to start getting them in order to get the best selection.  

Whenever making your own cards, always remember, as with any other craft, there really is no wrong way of doing it.  If it looks and feels right to you, then it is correct.  The art is yours.  Some people will like it, some will think it is alright, others may hate it.  Each of us has our own taste.  The thing to remember is that if you are enjoying yourself and creating, that is really all that matters.

I have attempted to explain this very notion to my friends and family.  They constantly tell me, "I really love your cards.  I wish I knew how to do something like that."  I tell them that they can.  They have all the skills necessary.  We all learned by kindergarten how to cut paper and glue.  Really that is all that card making is.  Add a dash of your own creativity and you are making cards.

Still, there are those who either still believe that they can't or just simply do not have the time.  That is why crafters like myself are out there.  We are happy to do the work for you at a minimal fee.  It's like you are supporting the arts whenever you purchase from us.

If you are pleased with my art, please come by and visit my Ebay store at Kimberz Kreations .  I have a lot of cards in a lot of styles for you to choose from.  If you are one of those who prefer to make your own crafts, I also have embellishments, stamps and other crafting supplies in the store.  Whenever I find a great deal on the products that I use regularly, I pick up extra so that I can pass along the savings to you.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bright and Colorful Thank You Greetings

Today I wanted to show you a few cards from the multiple collections of Thank You cards I have created.  

If you are like me, of all the cards you send, thank you card are the ones you use most of all.  Whenever I create thank you cards, I like to keep them versatile enough that I can you them for a multitude of occasions.  You never really know when you will need a thank you card, or what you might need it for.

Of course, if you really want to brighten someone's day, why not do it with bright, bold colors.  Your recipient can't miss these bright cards.  Now, that is a way to brighten someone's day!

If you would like to see the other thank you card collections, as well as the many other styles of greeting cards I have created, stop by my Ebay store - Kimberz Kreations .

New cards are being added all of the time.  I am working hard right now on creating Christmas cards.  After the holidays, I hope to introduce new card styles.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Wedding Wishes

This past summer, my youngest brother finally married his long-time girlfriend.  It was not until then that I attempted making wedding cards.  Over the last 10-15 years, the only real cards I ever made was birthday and Christmas cards. 

The new wedding and anniversary cards were a challenge for me at first.  Anyone can create cards with a lot of flowers on them.  That is just not my style.  I like creating cards using unconventional colors and styles. 

I like to think that each person has a style all of their own.  This often carries over into your crafting.  I believe that some of the most beautiful hand-crafted items that I have seen are from those who have stepped outside of the box.  So, the next time you begin a new craft project, make it your own.

If you would like to see other wedding and anniversary type cards, come visit my Ebay store at Kimberz Kreations .  I have several different themes of greeting cards, as well as the supplies for you to create your own cards.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Christmas Greeting Cards

When the Christmas cards begin to arrive in the mailbox, it is always an exciting time for me.  I love not only to create and send my own, I love to receive each one.  For me, it is more than just a card.  The person sending the card took a minute out of their day to think of you and select this specific greeting just for you.
I have a couple of friends and family members who also enjoy creating their own cards.  Those are the cards that I most look forward to.  These are the people that took out a few extra moments to create and share that greeting.  I know that those who receive my cards have a smile on their faces before they even open the envelope.

I am the person who is first to send them out...usually the week after Thanksgiving.  I select just the right card for the personality of the recipient.  And I have to decorate the envelope as I address each one.  It has been that way all my adult life.  

I am sure that you would enjoy seeing your recipient with that same smile on their faces.  The feedback that I receive from everyone is always a great boost that helps me to create something even better the next time I send them a card.

If you are not comfortable with creating your own cards, consider purchasing handmade cards and send them.  You will be shocked by the happiness that you made happen.  It will not only make you look and feel great, you are helping an artist (the creator of the card).  Everyone loves to be validated.

If you want to see more of my cards of all sorts, check out Kimberz Kreations on Ebay.
I not only sell my kreations, but I also have crafting supplies to help you create your own on a budget.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Oh Baby!

As promised, I wanted to show off some of my baby kreations. (Yes, I know it's misspelled--on purpose).  I am new at creating baby cards, but had quite a bit of fun with it.  I am looking forward to doing some more soon.

If you would like to see even more baby greeting cards, please visit Kimberz Kreations on Ebay.

Back to creating!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

It's Christmas Card Time

I know, I know.  Christmas?! Really?!  The simple answer is yes.  In my type of business you have to stay ahead of the holidays.

Even though the heat of summer is finally coming to an end, and the cool breezes of autumn are beginning, I have been trying to get myself prepared for the busy holiday season.

Over the next few days, I will be sharing some of my holiday creations.  I will also try to catch you up by showing you some of my baby, birthday, wedding and anniversary cards.  Browse through and enjoy.

Remember that my cards are all one of a kind creations.  I rarely create more than one of the same card.  If you see something you are interested in, you can always go to my Ebay store and see if it is still available for purchase.  If not, you are welcome to browse for something just as amazing.  Better yet, get your creative juices flowing and use my kreation to create your own.

If you would like to see more of my kreations, please visit Kimberz Kreations Ebay Store.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I'm Back!

For those of you who are wondering where I have been.  Well, life got in the way.  In the past 18 months, so much in my life has changed, including my address.

My husband and I searched for months to find our dream house.  We finally found it!  Once moved in, of course, we decided that we needed to make it ours.  We have spent the last year upgrading and adding the things that we love.  Unfortunately, with my fibromyalgia and his full-time job, it has been a slow and tedious process.

At the beginning of the year, I decided that I didn't have enough on my plate.  So, I made the decision to open my cardmaking business back up.  I love making and creating things.  Cards have always been my go-to.  Over 10 years ago, I was unable to work and keep up with the demand.  I was saddened to have to shut down the business for what I thought was forever.  I was wrong.  I am back!

I want to start off by sharing some of the items that I have been creating.  I hope to continue to update on a more regular basis.  I am often overwhelmed with creating, I often forget the blogging.  If I do, you can always find me on Ebay in my store:  http://stores.ebay.com/kimberzkreations .  Stop by and visit anytime.  I don't just sell my cards, but also like to share some products that I use in creating my cards so that you can create your own.

Enjoy the new blog!

Here are some of my masculine cards: