Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm Still Here!

WOW!  Can't believe that it has been a week since I last posted.  It has been a crazy time for sure...some good, some not so good.  So here I am to update any of those reading about my fibromyalgia plite.

First, I finally got the results back from my biopsy on my thyroid...GOOD NEWS!  The tumor is benign.  I don't have to deal with that whole situation again for another year, as long as there are no changes in the size, pain, etc.

Second, my left hand that I have been having pain in for the last four years and already had surgery on once two years ago, is getting ready to have another surgery.  At this point, my orthopedic surgeon is trying deligently to pinpoint the exact spot around my thumb that is causing all the trouble.  I will finally be brace free in three short days!  I am so excited about that.

Lastly, my husband and myself have made the difficult decision to sell his mother's home and contents.  She has Alzheimer's Disease and was sent to a nursing home a little over a year ago.  The house has sat vacant for the past year as we all tried to come to terms with what needs to be done.  I would never wish that upon anyone.  Needless to say, it going to be a long and difficult summer as we box up possessions and memories and auction them off in September.

With my fibromyalgia and the impending surgery on my hand, the task at hand is going to become even more difficult physically than someone is healthy.  Please say a little prayer.

So, for now, alot of my projects that I was planning on completing and sharing with you will just have to wait a bit.  I still intend to complete them and to keep my promise to blog about my daily experiences living with fibromyalgia.

Color your world and go out and create something beautiful!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Don't Wait For The Perfect Moment

Today, I thought that I would share an inspirational quote picture that I made a few months ago.  I love the quote and the photo is awesome (it does not belong to me--was taken from Google images).  I hope that it inspires you.

With my hand being in a brace, I haven't been able to be too creative.  It is too difficult to accomplish much at this point.  I am hoping to get back into it very least I hope to.  I am not one to like sitting around much. 

I hope this helps to inspire you.  Go out and create your world.  It will make the world a more beautiful place.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

I wanted to take a few minutes today to remind everyone that today is Fibromyaglia Awareness Day.  I hope that you are wearing your purple to show your support for this invisible disease.  Let's show the world that when you are a fibromyalgia sufferer, or know one, that it is a very real disease.

Friday, May 11, 2012

My Fibro Experience - Series

Tomorrow is Fibromyalgia Awareness Day.  It is a day set aside to bring awareness to this invisible disease.  Many communities have Fibromyalgia Awareness Events scheduled to help raise money for research and a cure.  Unfortunately, my community does not have any activities scheduled, however, I did find a great resource to aid me bringing an event to my area in the future.  If you would like to see how to bring an event to your area you can read How to Organize a Fibromyalgia Awareness Event and get some great information for organizing and planning.

Fibromyalgia comes in many shapes and sizes.  Each person suffers and survives in different ways.  In my case, I just pull myself up each morning and make myself go.  Some days I can "suck it up" and others it is just not that easy.

For the past three years, I have been having trouble with my left hand.  In 2010, I had carpal tunnel surgery and index trigger finger release surgery.  Following the surgery, the pain seemed to increase and moved to the joint in my thumb.  I was sent to doctor after doctor for this test, x-ray, MRI, etc, and nothing showed a problem, other than rheumatoid arthritis.

Over the years, I have learned that you must be persistent when comes to your own body and healthcare.  I changed doctors (orthopedic) and continued to insist that something be done to reduce the pain.

In the past year, the use of my left hand has diminished dramatically.  I have not been able to hold on to anything with any kind of weight (i.e. bottles of water, etc).  If I couldn't balance something between my fingers, it was on the floor.  The use of my fingers and thumb is very limited.

Finally, two years from the first surgery, my doctor is considering surgery to repair and/or relieve my pain and give me use of my hand again.  I am not excited to have another surgery, but have come to believe that any relief and/or use of my hand is better than what I have now.  So, the waiting has begun.

My purpose in sharing this story with you is to show you that persistence pays off, eventually.  It is your body and your health.  If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.  Fibromyalgia patients most usually can tell when a pain is "normal" or not.  If something doesn't seem right and your doctor isn't taking you serious, keep after them or get a second opinion.

DISCLAMIER:  I am not a medical professional and do not offer medical advice.  I am simply sharing my own experiences.  This should not be considered medical advice in any way.

Don't forget to wear your purple tomorrow to show that you are either a sufferer of Fibromyalgia, or know someone who is.  Let's show the world that Fibromyalgia is real!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Day at the Park

When you live amongst such beauty, how could you not enjoy photography?

I have always been the person you see with a camera in hand.  In fact, my friends have made fun of me for years for it.  They are also aware that if I am around, there chances of getting caught on camera is high.  I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing for them.

Today, I wanted to share another group of photos that I recently took at a local park.  This park has always been beautiful with a large pond, greenery and a cave.  Over the years, it became rundown and wasn't always the cleanest park in town.  However, recently the park board has been working very hard on cleaning up.  They redesigned the entire park, but left the best parts alone.  Now it is an enjoyable place to be again.


This small stream flows from the cave inside the park.  The cave was discovered in the early 1800's and was used by the family that lived on the property for food storage.  

It is said that the cave was also used by Jesse James as a hide-out when he passed through this area robbing banks.  (We have alot of Jesse Jame cave hide-outs in this area--he must have liked caves alot!)

The new bridge.  The rocks holding it up were recycled from the old wall that surrounded the pond...awesome.

I loved this shot.  I was playing with the ISO to capture the water movement and ending up creating something looking like a painting.

After several years, the cave has been opened back up for touring.  One day when I am feeling capable and have the right shoes on, I think my camera and I will be heading inside.

Don't forget to look around you and enjoy the beauty God has given you.
Go out and create your world!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

More Missouri Beauty

I am lucky enough to live in an area that has much green space, trails and gorgeous parks.  When I have the time, I love to grab my camera and go walking.  There is so much beauty all around us that if we aren't watching closely enough, we miss it.  I didn't really discover this until I started teaching myself photography.

This is the one hobby that allows me to make something beautiful when my body doesn't cooperate with me...which can be more often than not with fibromyalgia.  With my recent order from the doctor not to use my left hand for three weeks, I was crushed.  Now what do I do with myself?  Grab the camera of course.  It's not the easiest to focus, but I think I have it figured out.  So, I am going to share some more beauty with you in the follow days.

Take some time to look around and create something beautiful in your world.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness Bracelets

A few months ago, my sister-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She is currently going through treatment and fighting the good fight.  She is one tough lady with lots of love and support around her.

As you know from previous posts, I really enjoy making jewelry in my spare time, especially chain maille jewelry.  I was working on some projects when I got the idea to make some breast cancer awareness pieces for all the women in the family to wear in support of our family member who was diagnosed.  I began gathering all the charms and beads I could find to get started.

Here is the result of countless hours of weaving.

The idea is that the family can wear these in support of her and when she is wearing her's, she can know that she has alot of support and love standing with her.  I can not imagine going through anything like that.  Like I said before, she is a strong lady.

I haven't made the decision to continue making these and selling them, but am considering it.  I also plan to make similar bracelets in support of fibromyalgia, the disease that I live with.

Currently, I am a hand brace (I like to call a cast, as it might as well be).  I have to wear it for three weeks.  At that time, I will be finding out whether or not I will be having surgery on my hand.  The only upside to this situation is that it is my left hand (I am right-handed).  The downside, I cannot do any jewelry making or crafts until the hand is fixed and working properly again.

Once again, this disease is trying to beat me.  It will not.  I am way to determined for that.

I hope that these designs inspire you to go out and create your world.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Beauty in the Ozarks

Recently, I had the opportunity to grab my camera and disappear for a couple of hours.  That does happen as often as I would like.  So, I snatched the small window of time that I had and headed to a local park to capture some beautiful shots.

These shots were taken at Rutledge-Wilson Farm Park in Springfield, MO.  It is a great park for children's learning of farms.  It has a lot of beautiful open areas, trails, barns and, of course, play equipment.  For a photographer, it has so many places to catch wonderful shots, you couldn't catch them all in one day.

I am lucky enough to live in the Ozarks, where there is always beauty abound.  I never run out of places to take my camera.  Finding that perfect shot only requires that I am paying attention.  With or without a photographers eye, you will find a great photo waiting to happen.

So, go out there and create your world.  If you can envision it, it is only waiting for you to bring it to life.