Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Creative Block? What?!

After weeks of having my creative juices flowing, I am blocked.  I guess all the creating and home improvement projects have temporarily shut my brain down.  I am determined to get over this...I LOVE CREATING!  I miss it already.

In the meantime, I still feel the need to keep my promise to blog regularly.  It doesn't matter if I have the best blog or the greatest projects, as I recently read in an article.  (I wish I would have noted the site I read it...it was awesome!)  Anyway, I love to create and share.  I hope that someone reads and gets inspired too.

So, today I thought that I would share another old project I completed.  Enjoy!

I love this inspiration saying.  Being a patient with fibromyalgia, it reminds me to lean on my faith on those bad days and trust in His strength when mine is lacking.  (The picture is borrowed from Flickr)

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

It's A Lazy Saturday

It is a lazy day around our home today.  A busy week was had by all, so I guess we all deserve it.  It is like we run and run throughout the week and by the time Saturday rolls around, CRASH! 

My creative juices just are not flowing today.  No matter how hard I try.  So, I thought that I would share some old material I have back in the file.  Hope you enjoy it and your weekend.

Be inspired!

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Magazine Files Repurposed

After completing the shelf unit in my dining room, I still wasn't quite as happy as I thought that I should be.  Every time that I walked by, the small, mismatched cookbooks just jumped out at me.  They were screaming for a solution to make them a beautiful as their surroundings.  My newest project emerged.

I didn't have any old magazine holders in the house, or they would have been recycled for the cause.  So, on a recent trip to Staples, I purchased some.  I paid $1.99 for a package of two (total cost approximately $1.00 each).  I had some leftover scrapbook paper from other projects, so that worked out well.

I layed the paper out and lay the magazine files on top.  Use a pencil to trace the shape onto the paper and cut.  Use Modge Podge, or similar decoupage medium to glue everything down.  I decided to put a heavy coat of Modge Podge over the entire thing when I was done, just to make it stronger.  I wanted to ensure that nothing came loose or ripped.

You could substitute Modge Podge with some watered down school glue (like Elmer's glue).  It would work just as well, and yield the same type of results.

I was able to get the smaller books organized, and hide some of the other mismatched books.  Now everything looks uniform and beautiful.  They aren't screaming at me any longer!

These magazine files can be used anywhere in the home.  If you have a space that needs a little organization and style, these would work out great.

Now on to the next project.  I wonder what it will be?!

Before I close this post, I thought that I would share another funny with you today...

Because I am addicted.  Not a bad thing...I get so much inspiration from the photos and ideas pinned by others.  It is a great place to gather a bunch of creative minds.  The sharing is great!

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Seamstress I Am NOT!

After remodeling my dining room, there was only one thing left to do...find curtains for the back door (a huge glass sliding door).  I searched everywhere on the net and locally.  I just couldn't find that one curtain that jumped at me.  I found a style that I liked, but could not find it in the deep, dark red I wanted.  

Just as I was going to give up, I was walking through the craft store.  I walked around through the fabric department and there it was, the fabric and color I loved!  I just had to get it.  Now what?

I hadn't even attempted to sew anything in years.  I didn't have a pattern and wasn't about to start another search to find a pattern to match the curtains I liked.  So, I decided to jump in.  How hard could a triangle be to sew?  Oh if I only knew.

Here is what I started with...

I measured, cut and guessed alot.  But, I think that the final product turned out pretty good.  They are by far not perfect, but they are different and look good.  These curtains really brightened the space.  Overall, I am happy with them.

Go out and get inspired.  Try something different.  Do something that you haven't done before (or in a long time).  You might just be surprised with what you come up with.

I also wanted to give you a little something fun today.  So here you are, Pinterest Addicts!

I still have many projects in the making.  Keep checking back to find your inspiration.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Solution For Storing Cupcake Liners

I was feeling rather inspired today for some reason.  In my quest to get my home organized, I came up with a rather inexpensive project to solve a rather pesky problem in my kitchen.  I don't currently do a lot of baking, but when I do I tend to make cupcakes rather than cakes.  Most of the baking and candy making in my home gets done at Christmas time.  However, I do somehow always seem to collect cupcake liners.  They were wasting space in an entire drawer in the kitchen.  We can't have that.

Here my solution to just such a problem.  These jars can be used for many problem areas throughout the home.   You can adjust them to fit your needs in any room.  

I started by purchasing two glass jars with sealed lids.  I purchased two of them at Michael's.  They just happen to be on sale this week for $2.99. 

The larger one stands approximately 6-1/2 inches, the smaller one about 4 inches.  I also found a pretty scrapbook paper on clearance for 49 cents.  It is two sided, so if I get tired of the pattern, I can always flip the paper to recycle.  

As you can see, I have a lot of cupcake liners.
I used less than one sheet of 12" x 12" paper (only about 3/4 of a sheet).  I eyeballed and marked each sheet so that the lid wouldn't cut into the paper.  I then used a straight cutter and cut each sheet.  I then placed each sheet in its respective jar.  I used a small piece of tape on the inside to hold it.

Once I liked the look, I printed a couple of labels.  I glued them, but they could be stuck with a small piece of tape or removable tape that can be found with the scrapbooking supplies.

They came out beautifully.  (Sorry about the horrible photos...I was in a hurry)
Did all the cupcake liners fit?  Well, yes that did!!  I was able to make two stacks wide in the small container.  Problem solved!

On to the next project.
I would love to hear your comments on this project.  Be honest.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Little Fun For The Day

I haven't blogged in a couple of days and it only hit me just this morning. I have been very busy (I told myself). What exactly have I been up to? Well, I guess it is time for me to admit my most recent addiction. One that takes a lot of time from my day, my responsibilities and my family. You may have already guessed it...I am a Pinterest Addict!!! Many of you may have this same problem, or is it? I love it! However, it has made my "To-Do" list very long. That makes it very difficult to make a "To-Done" list.

I think we should start a support group.  Anyway...here is a little something that you should appreciate if you are in the same boat as I am in. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Storage Solution for Small Spaces

Today I am going to show yet another Pinterest project.  First, you must understand that in my house, I never seem to have enough space.  I am always organizing and/or looking for storage solutions in order to give me more living space.  (The obstacles of older homes)

I started out with a huge china cabinet that I had crammed in a corner of my little dining room.  (didn't get the pic with it in there)  I was constantly having to work around this huge piece of furniture...with the dining table, wall space, cleaning, etc.  I got fed up.  I moved that monster out and put a fresh coat of paint on to begin.

I then had my husband build me four blind shelves and install them for me.  This was a little more work than expected, but I wanted them sanded smooth, coated well with paint and topped with a heavy coat of clear.  As you can see, we had a little supervisor.

A few baskets, a lot of organizing, some minor organizing and I HAVE SPACE in my dining room.

On to the next project.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Jewelry Storage Solution

As promised, I am sharing on of my newest completed projects.  I love to make jewelry whenever I am able.  Sometimes my body and hands do not cooperate with me.  However, when I can, I try to design new pieces to go with outfits that I have.  It isn't always cheaper, but at least I have jewelry that not only I designed myself, but are specific for the clothing that I wear.

Here is what I started out with.  It is a large piece...about 28" x 33".  My workable area measures approximately 20" x 27".  I purchased this at Hobby Lobby on a half price sale, and it already had the cork board back!

Then I added some large and small push pins, wire, hooks and name tag clips.  That's right, I made name tag clips work to my advantage here.

And then, the final product.

Not sure that I am completely done with it just yet, but I don't think it looks too bad for my first attempt.  Now to make some more jewelry to get it filled up...LOL.

Stay tuned for more projects I am working on.  I know I am not even close to done just yet.

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Monday, February 13, 2012

A New Beginning

Although we are now 6 weeks into the new year (2012), I am determined to follow through with a promise to myself (call it a resolution...I HATE THOSE!).  I decided as the new year rang in that in 2012 I would improve myself anyway I could.  So far, I feel happy in what I am doing.  I have purchased my new DSLR camera and have taken a basic class to use it.  I have been teaching myself how to use the camera and practicing whenever I can.  I have fibromyalgia, so winter is not my most favorite time of the year.  I have spent the past 6 weeks going through closets, cabinets, and drawers.  Purging/Throwing out old stuff that is no longer of use to me.  I have improved storage in my home in creative ways...thank you Pinterest.  I have taken two trips out with my camera in hand and practiced.

OK, so you can see I have been a busy girl.  To make a long story short, I am at the stage now that I have picked up blogging again.  Hopefully this will help keep me even more accountable to myself.  I don't expect to blog daily, but at least once a week in the beginning.

I want to keep my promise and share some of my hard work with you.  I hope you enjoy it.  I welcome any and all comments and critiques.  Thanks for listening to me ramble...ha!