Thursday, January 12, 2017

Kimberz Kreations is Coming Back Soon!

Big changes to Kimberz Kreations are coming soon. 

New card designs are being created and will be online soon for your viewing pleasure.  It has been a long time since designs were available to the public.

Where have we been, you ask?  Eighteen months ago, the decision was made to "temporarily" shut down.  This was never meant to last eighteen months, however, life did get in the way.  Much of my time was spent putting our home on the market and participating in the build and design of our new home.  It was completed on November 1, 2016.

I have spent much of the past couple of months trying to get things unpacked and organized in the middle of the holiday rush.  The good news, I am back up and running.

All the ideas that have been floating around in my head have been busting at the seams.  They are ready to come out. 

I have tentatively set March 1 for the relaunch.  Our Ebay store will be revamped and I am hoping to include an Etsy store in the near future.  I plan on launching with new birthday and Christmas card designs.  From there, we will have to see what the future brings.

Stay tuned for these exciting new designs and changes to our stores.  We appreciate your patience with all the changes.  I only hope that you are as excited as I am.