Saturday, June 2, 2012

My Life with Fibro...Series 2

Some days it feels like life just drags us through, whether we are ready to follow along or not.  That sure seems to be the case for me at the moment.  It seems that the harder I try to slow myself down and take care of myself and my health, the harder life pulls.

Having fibromyalgia doesn't give anyone the right to be lazy for sure, as that is the worst thing that you can do for your condition.  But, why is it that so many who do not suffer with the disease cannot see that in doing what they would consider an easy task takes me at least three times the effort?  Invisible disease?  Well, yes it is.

If I could magically show them every single ache and pain that I have, I think I would.  If I could put into words how tired I am...most days the minute I am out of bed...I would do that as well.  This is where the frustration comes in.  I understand that people can not fully grasp something that they have never experienced, but it seems that for the most part, empathy is dead.

Learning to live this life differently than I did even 10 years ago is the most difficult task.  Understanding in your own mind that you will never be the same is devastating to say the least.  This is where the psychological part of fibromyalgia steps in.  Depression is a real part of this disease.  The severity of the depression depends on each patient individually.

Each morning when I wake up, whether I want to or not, I sit up on the edge of the bed and mentally prepare myself for that first step.  The physical part will come, I always hope.  I say a little prayer that with that first step I am not in too much pain, that I do not fall down, that I can make it the few steps to the bathroom without bumping into anything, adding a new bruise.

I refuse to let this disease consume my life any more than it already has.  I am kind of a stubborn person (this is where my husband would laugh).  Even on my bad days, I make it my mission to get up and do just one thing.  Motivate myself through just one small task.  When I finish that task, I start the process over and try to overcome one more, until I can absolutely do no more.

In writing this blog, I have taken a huge step.  I am learning to overcome the fear of voicing my pain and struggles.  I ask for help when I need it.  And, I am learning that I am not the only person going through this. Always reminding myself that there are others out there that are in far worse condition than I am.  I have found many fibro-friends and we support each other.

My best advice....don't be afraid to tell your story and find others who truly understand your daily struggles, they are out there.  Let's support each other through this.